
19th European advanced process control and manufacturing (apc|m) Conference
Villach, AUSTRIA • April 08 – 10, 2019
About the European apc|m Conference
The European Advanced Process Control and Manufacturing (apc|m) Conference is directed to manufacturers, suppliers and scientific community of semiconductor, photovoltaic, LED, flat panel, MEMS, and other related industries. The topics are focused on current challenges and future needs of Advanced Process Control and Manufacturing Effectiveness.
The conference takes place at centers of the semiconductor and photovoltaic industry in Europe annually. It is coordinated with the Sematech AEC/APC Symposium in America and Asia and Semicon Europe.
The conference program is organized with presentations/talks and poster sessions in parallel. Additionally, several half-day technical tutorials will be offered to you.
The conference will be an excellent opportunity to promote your company's products.
Usergroup Meetings are an easy way to meet your customers. The schedule of events will provide plenty of time to get in contact with your colleagues, customers and suppliers.
Keynotes and Invited Talks
Sabine Herlitschka | Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Otto Graf | Robert Bosch Semiconductor Manufacturing Dresden
Roman Kern | KNOW-CENTER GmbH
Rainer Hohenhoff | BMW Group
James Moyne | Applied Materials
The conference is organized by Silicon Saxony, a member of European Semiconductor Networks, and hosted locally. The conference is self-financed by fees and sponsoring.